Cameron Impact Scholarship: Everything You Need to Know

There are countless ways to make a positive impact in many professional careers. The Cameron Impact Scholarship gives both the ability and the intent to make real, tangible contributions in their lifelong dedication to the greater good.

The Foundation will apportion approximately a quarter of the scholarships to individuals pursuing careers in education, non-profits, government, and/or military and have a stated professional goal of public service.

Cameron Impact Scholarship

Overview of Cameron Impact Scholarship

The Bryan Cameron Education Foundation (“Foundation”) awards four-year, full-tuition, merit-based undergraduate scholarships to outstanding high school students who have demonstrated passion and commitment in academics, extracurricular activities, leadership, and community service.

The Cameron Impact Scholar is special among their high-achieving peers in their desire to make an impact on their communities and in the world at large.

Our Scholar aspires to contribute to positive forces for change and plans to tailor their schooling to that end.

Scholarship Details

  • Approximately 25% of scholarships are allocated to candidates seeking careers in education, nonprofits, government, and military service, with a strong commitment to public service.
  • The scholarship supports full-time undergraduate education at accredited four-year U.S. colleges or universities for the academic year following high school graduation.
  • Fellows of the Cameron Impact Scholarship will be required to attend an annual Cameron Impact Scholars Award Ceremony and Summit throughout the 4-year duration of the scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must hold a minimum, cumulative, unweighted GPA of 3.7/4.0 or equivalent in their high school studies.
  • Applicants must be citizens of the United States of America.
  • Successful applicants should show excellence in extracurricular activities, possess strong leadership skills, exhibit a strong work ethic, and actively engage in community service and civic-minded activities.
  • The application demands the submission of three components:

Application Process

  1. Applications are examined on a rolling basis, with a limit of 3,000 applications. The Foundation will deliver updates on the application limit through its website and social media.
  2. The Selection Committee will run face-to-face interviews with 75-100 Finalists in the Fall, typically at the applicant’s high school.
  3. Recipients of the Cameron Impact Scholarship will be revealed in December.
  4. Applicants are strongly advised to present their applications well in advance of the final deadline to avoid technical submission issues on the due date.

Applicants are advised to submit their application well in advance of the final deadline. The Foundation takes no responsibility for an applicant’s technical submission issues encountered on the final due date.

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