Critical Language Scholarship: Everything You Need to Know

Through the Critical Language Scholarship Program, American college and university students have the immersive summer chance to study languages vital to America’s global participation.

Critical Language Scholarship

Overview of Critical Language Scholarship

Critical Language Scholarship aims to increase the number of Americans studying and fluent in foreign languages that are vital to the economy and security.

Though less frequently taught in American schools, these vital languages are crucial to the United States‘ constructive interactions with the rest of the world.

It is crucial for boosting American competitiveness, bolstering national security, and preparing American students for the international workforce of the twenty-first century.

In addition, CLS scholars act as citizen ambassadors, promoting diversity in the US overseas, debunking common misconceptions about Americans, and fostering enduring bonds with locals in their host nations.

Key Benefits

Develop Key Expertise: The CLS Program offers its students intensive training in language and culture in a setting tailored to optimize language learning at all levels.

Career Ready Skills: Graduates use their critical language proficiency in a range of professional settings in the public, corporate, and governmental sectors, bolstering the overall competitiveness of the United States.

Citizen Diplomacy: The diversity and breadth of the US are reflected in the CLS scholars. By means of direct interaction, they contribute to the propagation of American ideals and foster understanding amongst individuals from many nations.

Eligibility Requirements

  • U.S. citizens are required for all applications.
  • Enroll in a recognized undergraduate (associate, bachelor’s) or graduate (master’s, doctorate, professional degree) program in the United States.
  • By the time the CLS program starts, applicants must be eighteen years old.
  • By the time the program begins, undergraduate students must have finished at least one year of college courses.
  • The language criteria of the scholarship to which an applicant is applying must be satisfied.
  • Each applicant may only submit one application per year, for a single language and model (virtual or in-person).

For more additional information on CLS, go to

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