NHS Scholarship: Everything You Need to Know

The NHS Scholarship has been given to exceptional NHS seniors more than $25 million in scholarships since 1946. They are giving 600 kids $2 million in scholarships this year. Learn about the scholarship.

NHS Scholarship

Overview of NHS Scholarship

Seniors in high school who are active and in good standing with the National Honor Society are eligible to apply for the NHS Scholarship. Candidates must intend to register in an American institution or university.

The four pillars of NHS include Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character which are used to determine who gets a scholarship each year.

Eligibility Criteria

  • A dedicated participant in the national honor society.
  • An American citizen who is a senior in high school and plans to pursue an associate’s or bachelor’s degree there.
  • Engagement in volunteer work in the community.
  • Show tenacity, ethics, integrity, honesty, and compassionate decision-making while exhibiting leadership, scholarship, and character.

Application Timeline

  • September 16, 2024: Application begins
  • November 28, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. (et): The submission deadline
  • February 2025: All applicants receive notifications
  • April 2025: All-expense paid travel to dc for top 25 scholarship finalists and their advisers

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